Cups O'Thoughts
Isn't the beginning part of any relationship the best part? You know, the hot sex and unconditional love alongside the innocence and trust? Then something happens and all of a sudden, it's just annoying and you want to get out of it but your lover is clingy and you feel guilty and you just don't know what to do but you do know what you want to do. You want to build a time machine and return to the simpler times and keep living that time period over and over again so you don't have to experience the unexperienced.

This is how my relationship with Facebook fell apart. Back in 2006, I was a fan of it, I could carelessly post and comment anything and everything I wanted to. I never had to worry about my manager seeing a picture of me wasted on Thursday night and then realizing why I was late Friday morning. Traffic jam my ass.

I no longer feel free and wild on the internet. I feel trapped in a box where everything I say or do must be censored because even grandmothers are on it. Should I post the pictures from last night even though we all look like train wrecks and there are people in them I don't recognize just to show the world that I am in fact young and allowed to have fun? Or should I just not post anything and delete all the 'inappropriate' posts so I can come across as a classy and mature young twenty-something woman?

There's already books out about Facebook but none about Facebook Etiquette where it rules what you can or cannot do. What you can post and not be judged for. Until this comes out, this blog will remain. The whole point of this is to post what we really want to say and not censor anything. We're two friends. She's blogging from Canada and I'm blogging from underneath. Let's see where this takes us...

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